• Kevin Mihata



    As Associate Dean for Educational Programs, Kevin coordinates undergraduate education and curriculum across all four divisions of the College of Arts and Sciences. Trained as a sociologist, he has taught courses in sociological theory and methods, the sociology of culture, and social psychology, and started the practicum program in Sociology, partnering with employers from the federal and local government agencies to nonprofits. He has also led study abroad programs to Leon, Spain and Tokyo with Cynthia Caci and other C21 staff.

    Kevin started C21 because too many students reduce the once-in-a-lifetime opportunity of college to four more years of school. C21 programs challenge students to grow beyond a person who gets good grades and become the one employers seek and society needs: the person who creates value for others. Not every student is ready to leave the comfort of the identity they have spent so much time building -- the one that got them into this university. And that is their right. But C21 is committed to working with those who are ready.

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    050 Communications

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  • Cynthia Caci


    Cynthia Caci

    Cynthia Caci is the Senior Director of College Advising. Her entire 30-year career at the University of Washington has focused on undergraduate education and in helping students align their personal, educational and professional goals with opportunities at the UW and beyond. She has a graduate...

    Phone Number: 
    050 CMU

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  • Liz Copland


    Liz Copland

    Liz Copland is the Program Manager for the College Edge program, working to welcome first-year students into the University of Washington in a unique way. Over the past decade, she has supported undergraduate students as an Academic Adviser in the UW School of Art, Art History and Design. In her...

    Phone Number: 
    050 CMU

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  • Kiera Dempsey

    Headshot Kiera 2023.jpg

    Kiera Dempsey

    Kiera is the Curriculum Specialist for C21 and works to improve the curriculum processes in the Arts and Sciences. She graduated from UW in 2022 with a BA in History and Psychology. She spent much of her undergraduate career as a...

    Phone Number: 
    CMU 045D

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  • Matt Erickson


    Matt Headshot

    Matt is involved with all aspects related to situating Arts & Sciences students for careers that best fit their strengths, goals, and motivations. From exploring majors to putting your best self forward after graduation, Matt is devoted to empowering our A&S students to succeed in any...

    Phone Number: 
    CMU 050

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  • Maile Soo


    Maile Soo Headshot

    Maile Soo [maɪli su] is C21's Talent Development Specialist who works on developing, coordinating, and leading college-to-career initiatives for Arts and Sciences students. She graduated from UW Seattle with a BA in Linguistics (and loves anything related to language). She participated in many...

    CMU 045D

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  • Emily Uematsu


    Photo of Emily Uematsu

    With an M.Ed. and extensive experience in higher education, Emily Uematsu is passionate about helping students discover their potential. In her role as a Program Operations Specialist at C21, she helps design and implement programs that bridge the gap between education and the professional world...

    CMU 045D

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